Issue Areas
Our Current Priority Issues
At the 2023 Annual Assembly, the PACT Network voted to undertake one new issue - RENT & HOMELESSNESS and to continue with the existing issue of REDUCING ARRESTS THROUGH EXPANDING THE USE OF CIVIL CITATIONS.
According to the 2022 Miami-Dade County Drivers License Task Force, 400,000 licensed drivers in Miami-Dade County have a suspended license, rough 1 out of every 3 drivers. PACT is demanding that local officials implement pre-arrest diversion programs that hold drivers accountable while the consequences of an permanent arrest record. Miami-Dade County continues to penalize poverty and profit from a debt-based system that does nothing to make our roads safer!
In 2022, Miami Dade County Mayor Danielle Levine Cava declared a crisis in housing affordability stating that County has become one of the most unaffordable places to live in the United States. Rents in the county, at the time, had jumped 30% over the previous year. Increasing rents and homelessness emerged as the leading issue from the 2023 Listening Sessions and PACT Annual Meeting. A new Rent & Homelessness Steering Committee is undertaking the role of identifying the specific issue and solution that will be the focus of this year’s campaign.
Our Past Priority Issues
Every year, PACT congregations conduct dozens of listening sessions and vote based on the results of those sessions to determine which community problems that they will focus their work on.
Policing and Arrests
Because of our work with 9 other justice ministry organizations in the state of Florida, 30,000 fewer children have been arrested for minor offenses over the last 6 years, saving taxpayers $135 million. However, thousands of ADULTS are still being arrested every year for minor offenses like failing to pay a traffic fine or court fee. We are working to expand Miami-Dade County’s Adult Civil Citation program so that more adults can be diverted from the system and avoid a life-altering criminal record.
Gun Violence
After hearing story after story from our member congregations about lives lost to gun voiolence, we've advocated for and successfully gained the implementation of the Group Violence Intervention strategy. We are currently focused on advocating for its expansion.
Caring for Creation
Here in Miami, we are especially conscious of our community’s relationship to the natural environment. Our day-to-day lives are impacted by things like flooding, storms, pollution, mold, heat, etc. PACT has joined with 17 other justice ministry organizations through the DART Network to conduct research and determine how we can most effectively address these issues on a local level.
Community IDs
Thousands of county residents cannot access important institutions and services due to lack of local identification. PACT pushed the county to fund and endorse a "community ID" program, which is currently being implemented. We are working towards a future with IDs for everyone.
Affordable Housing
Miami-Dade county is the most unaffordable metro area in the country. PACT has pushed for large-scale solutions to the county's affordable housing crisis, like the County's Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the County Affordable Housing Framework, and they City of Miami's Affordable Housing Master Plan.